Make plans now to vote in our special election planned for May 30th. We are asking for an increase in our fire dues for residents and businesses to support our fire department for now and into the future.
The challenge we face as an emergency response organization serving a larger rural area is continually going to be funding. We are limited by the annual fee charged to residents and businesses to fund our organization. We do not get taxes from a county, state, or municipality. We are funded by a flat dues amount by our residents and businesses in our fire district area.
We pride ourselves on good fiscal management, occasionally raise funds with donations/fundraisers, sometimes get grants for equipment, and a roster of dedicated still unpaid firefighters (yes, the folks that respond to your emergencies are trained and unpaid). But we still have to purchase and maintain trucks, fuel, equipment, and more to meet the requirements of our role to protect and serve.
Even with the best intentions and good financial sense, we are limited by a funding method that has not changed in over 30 years. The cost of everything has increased substantially over the years. You see the same increase in your personal and professional life, we are sure of it. Fuels, oils, heating, cooling, tools, and more all have doubled or more in price over the years.
We hop you will come out to support us in this special election to enable our request to do the most good with a funding method that allows us to keep up with federal, state, and community needs so we can do the most good for you when you need help!